Our Services
From maintaining a proper core and foundation to preparation for child birth, Pilates is an essential exercise needed for a smooth pregnancy, delivery and postnatal follow up care. This is a specialized program that utilizes pregnancy-modified exercises, along with various props, to build strength and stamina, and increase stability and mobility, while giving you a well-rounded class that focuses on general posture, alignment and breath. We offer both mat and apparatus (reformer and chair) sessions.
Yoga has been one of the all-time favorites for pre and post natal exercises. It helps manage pains, provides a sense of calmness and reduces tension, and helps build strength before and after pregnancy. It is an energizing, gentle technique, that emphasizes stability, flexibility and relaxation. It is an excellent preparation for birthing through breath, body and mind awareness.
for pricing, please see bottom of the page
A combination of PreNatal Pilates and Yoga and is an ideal way for the expecting mother to maintain a healthy and happy pregnancy. Our pre-natal exercises are based on the needs of each mother to help her stay healthy, and free of aches and pains during each stage of pregnancy.
Pre-Natal/Post Natal therapies provided by Restore353:
Practicing yoga during pregnancy fosters a deeper connection from mother to child, and mother to herself. Approaching each phase of pregnancy from a foundation of self-compassion and understanding, you will embrace your changing body through challenging, muscle-toning poses, and through relaxing into deep hip and pelvic openers.
Adaptable to each trimester, PreNatal Pilates can help build strength, balance and stamina, while helping you to have an easier labor. It aids in better: breath control; lessens muscle and skeletal imbalances; and aids in quicker childbirth recovery. PreNatal Pilates specifically works to increase: strength and endurance for postural muscles; pelvic stability and alignment; abdominal and pelvic floor endurance and overall balance and stability.
Benefits of exercise during pregnancy
Improved posture and appearance
Relief of back pain
Stronger muscles in preparation for labor and support for loosened joints
Improved circulation
Increased flexibility
Increased/maintained aerobic endurance
Increased energy level and less fatigue
Decreased muscle tension that promotes relaxation
Finding a balance between activity and sleep will still be challenging but once cleared for exercise, adding a regular postnatal exercise program will help to provide you the energy and stamina needed to keep up with your growing child. PostNatal Pilates is a safe way to re-gain strength and stamina for pelvic floor, core and upper back muscles. PostNatal yoga is a process of restructuring and restabilizing, and taking safe steps back into your physical practices, yoga and beyond.
Pre & Post-Natal Incontinence
Women often complain of leakage when coughing, laughing and jumping post pregnancy. This is due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. These muscles need to be conditioned just as any other muscle in the body. Please see below a combination of exercises that train both the pelvic floor and the core muscles, help to stabilize the pelvis, can help strengthen the pelvic floor, alleviating the symptoms:
Pelvic Tilts
Articulating Bridges
Seated on a physioball - pelvic rocking, pelvic clocks, balancing exercises such as alternating knee lift
Quadruped-knee hover
Standing squats using physioball against the wall
Benefits of Postpartum Exercises
Aids in the rehabilitation of the pelvic floor
Strengthens the abdominal and spinal muscles
Provides an avenue for the body to regain strength and energy
Aids in recovery from rectus diastasis (abdominal muscle separation)
Provides training for proper mechanics required for baby care
Retrains the muscles to recover from the changes experienced during pregnancy
All sessions are one-to-one, private and personalized
Introductory package of 3 sessions $225, for new clients
One private session $110
Package of 5 sessions $495
Package of 10 sessions $900